
With the acquisition of Al.fa. Impianti, a company with more than 30 years of experience in the production of modular skid systems, Hydroalp has expanded its offer of services and technological expertise, proposing itself as a supplier of plant components related to the management of fluids, gas, biofuel and innovative fuels (biomethane, methanol, ammonia, green hydrogen) aimed at the energy, transport and naval sectors.


  • Process, structural, electrical and automation engineering analysis
  • FEM analysis with checking of load capacities of various structural and pressure components
  • Analysis of plant environmental and operating conditions


  • Frame and piping construction
  • Selection and procurement of components
  • Complete painting
  • Electrical wiring insulation, labelling


  • Definition of operating logic
  • PLC/Scada software programming
  • Design and construction of automation and on-board machine panels


  • Non-destructive testing of materials and welds
  • Hydraulic leak tests
  • Blanks and functional tests using a test room with water or oil circulation
  • Final packaging


  • On-site installation and supervision
  • Plant commissioning
  • Service and maintenance activities